«I noticed that Dailydot mentioned this comment (and noted pile of cynical freedom-abusing filth D. Trump) and said I had not responded to comment. I was never asked to comment, however, so that seems disingenuous and maybe even be an act of bad faith on their part, which is too bad really.
«The guy looks like a buff Rand Paul, hahaha. »
«Woo! Creampie surprise! »
«Inheritance on being molested and bound with hands n knees n fat ads stomach. »
«fuck she can suck cock. i love her tongue. »
«hey luna how are u »
«This video from Lolitasstar should be in Cinemascope or Erotic scope - winking in appreciation by giving it another thumb up »
«omg, love to be so many of those scenes! »
«Holy fuck! How is that even possible? »
«I noticed that Dailydot mentioned this comment (and noted pile of cynical freedom-abusing filth D. Trump) and said I had not responded to comment. I was never asked to comment, however, so that seems disingenuous and maybe even be an act of bad faith on their part, which is too bad really. »
«She needs and deserves a better guy who knows when to shut the fuck up. »
«My absolute favourite. »